Dermatologic Surgery

Dermatologic surgery is performed to treat medically necessary and cosmetic conditions of the skin, nails, hair, and mucous membranes. Excisional skin surgery involves relatively superficial structures and is performed under local anesthesia with minimal blood loss.  The goal of these procedures is to maintain the health, function and cosmetic appearance of your skin. Recovery time is usually minimal.

Procedure sites are often allowed to heal naturally by granulation which generally leads to an excellent cosmetic outcome. They can also be closed with sutures.

Conditions for which dermatologic procedures are used include the following:

Skin cancer treatment

Treatment of sun damaged skin

Age spots and birthmark correction

Removing benign lesions on the skin

Varicose vein treatment

Scar Revision

Laser resurfacing, Thermage, microdermabrasion and cryotherapy may be employed as described elsewhere in this site.